apt-get install ecryptfs-utils
modprobe ecryptfs #Load the ecryptfs kernel driver
ecryptfs-setup-private ##default
ecryptfs-umount-private # to unmount
ecryptfs-mount-private # to mount it again,Switch to another directory except home
ecryptfs-setup-private --noautoumount # avoid ecryptfs auto mount at login
How to encrypt files and folders with eCryptfs in Ubuntu/Debian/kali linux
本文标题:How to encrypt files and folders with eCryptfs in Ubuntu/Debian/kali linux
发布时间:2018-03-27, 12:36:32
最后更新:2018-07-26, 15:38:15
原始链接:https://10o0.github.io/2018/03/27/encrypt in linux/
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